
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Deviled Eggs

Deviled eggs are a yummy, healthy snack. My Gram makes addictive ones. She claims, as many of my kitchen-talented relatives do, that they’re easy and there really ‘is no recipe’. Which is true, in a way. You have to do it to your own taste. But here’s a base to start from:

Deviled Eggs 

10 eggs
4 yolks
Miracle Whip Light
Organic Yellow Mustard
Salt and pepper.
Optional- paprika and/or olives

Hard boil your eggs.* (Gram says the peel comes off easier if you use an egg cooker to hard boil them. The steam helps. But either way works fine.) Put them in the refrigerator until cool.

Peel the eggs and slice them lengthwise. Drop the yolks in a mixing bowl. Set the egg halves to the side on a plate or in a tupperware container.

Mash the yolks with a fork until there are no large lumps. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Scoop 1 large spoonful (~1 tbsp) mustard into the mixing bowl and mash it around with the fork until well mixed.

Scoop 4 large spoonfuls (~4 tbsp) light miracle whip into the mixing bowl and mash it around with the fork until the mixture is smooth, but not too thin.

Taste. If you want more of anything so far, now’s the time to add it. As Gram says, “You can always add more, but you can’t take away.”

When you’re satisfied, fill the half eggs with a generous spoonful of the yolk mixture.

Gram says you can use a melon scooper or a small ice cream scooper if you want them to be ‘fancy’, but if you do that, you need to make the mixture a little thinner.

Optional- Slice pimento filled olives for decoration and/or sprinkle (carefully) a tiny amount of paprika over the tops of the eggs.

Set in refrigerator at least 1 hour. Eggs keep in the fridge up to 4 days without spoiling.


1 comment:

  1. I am a total sucker for Deviled Eggs...I'm gonna try out this recipe! Thanks for posting this...Oh, and I love your "Peace" quote on your blog, too :) That quote has always calmed me and kept me pulled together.

    Nice to meet you!
