
Saturday, April 17, 2010

2 Potential Ways to Lend a Hand

So. Disclaimer: I recognize and respect that not everyone's politics are the same as mine and hope that you all do the same. That said, here are a couple activities/donation opportunities that will benefit the health and happiness of your fellow humans that you can be a part of if you want to.

Number 1: The American Cancer Society is hosting Relay for Life in Burbank, CA on May 15-16 at Johnny Carson Park. My friend Amy runs a booth there every year and she's brilliant at it. Relay for Life is a fun, outdoor event, with raffles, games, a nice track to walk, live music, and great people who all come together for one reason - to celebrate the survivors of the disease, to remember those who were lost to it, and to raise money for cancer research. The American Cancer Society has these relays all over the country all the time and if you want to know about when one will be in your area, you can go to The American Cancer Society - Event Search. If you want to donate to my friend Amy's fundraising campaign, that would be much appreciated. 

Number 2: NOH8 - the campaign against the ban on gay marriage in California - is having an open photo shoot next Sunday, April 25th, in Los Angeles, at the Hollywood United Methodist Church. The photo campaign is open to people of all walks of life who want to take part in stopping discrimination. And then you get a nice, memorable, professional photo to remember your activity by. Individual photos are a $40 minimum donation; group photos are a $25 minimum donation per person. The photographs are taken by celebrity photographer Adam Bouska - they are beautiful! If you don't want a picture or can't make it to the photo session, you can still donate to the cause by visiting

Have a peace, my friends. :)

1 comment:

  1. Those both look very worthwhile. I like your "have a peace" quote.
