
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Grilled Cheese Fans Unite! And Dave McCallum Rocks.

If you haven't heard of the Grilled Cheese Invitational, it's a cooking competition sponsored by Tillamook, that occurs in LA annually. I went with a couple friends last year and it was a blast. Even if you don't get to be a taster (the honor for which you must apply ahead), it's still fun to see all the neat and tasty ideas people come up with. If this sounds like fun to you, you missed the boat this year - sorry - but you can keep the website and check in next year. Maybe you can even be on the front lines and bravely munch some of the gooey yumminess. 

Last year, my new friend Dave (who I have referenced a few times before for his invaluable cooking advice and tastebud-titillating kitchen witchery) placed third in the Invitational with his "Tiramisu Grilled Cheese on Chocolate Coffee Bread". This year, he placed second with "Grilled Cheesecake on Graham Cracker Bread" and landed a Judges' Award with his "South Carolina Grilled Cheese" (corn bread, fried green tomatoes, pimento cheese, fried chicken, pecans, and honey). Congratulations, Dave!! I had a feeling you were cheesy. :)

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