
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Shameless Self-Promotion: Critical Mass Performance Group

So, for a little taste of my life outside of the kitchen... I'm a member of a tremendously talented ensemble theatre group called Critical Mass Performance Group.

Critical Mass Performance Group is an ensemble committed to long-term collaborative development of new works, who believe in the transformative power of theatre that is about thought and energy and the human mark in time and space. We seek to extend the boundaries of traditional theatre forms with a rigorous process that focuses on a visceral and poetic meeting of text, idea, image, music and physical expression. Through the provocative enactment of stories, we aim to explore the big questions of human existence which reverberate socially, politically, and spiritually for us.

In our current project, we’re doing what we do best: picking up the shiny rock and examining what lurks underneath. In this work, we explore the connections and collisions of the original American ideals with Poland’s own centuries-long struggle for independence, revealing the complex relationship that has existed between our two countries since America’s founding—a relationship that continues to confound and amaze.

If you're interested in following us in our process, we post updates and photos regularly on Facebook. I also share a mass of little educational tidbits and quotes from our research on Twitter @criticalmasspg - these quotes won't just educate you, they'll make you sound really smart when you're talking to your friends and quoting from the TOP SECRET National Security Directives of 1982.

Hope to see your smiling faces there. After all,  you might as well feed your brain when you're feeding your tummy! Go on, have a peace!


  1. Is this related to the group that produced Starmind Record? Will you be in the new project from that group?

  2. Nope. This is a theater ensemble group I'm in. I'm a member of three ensembles: Critical Mass Performance Group, 8 Sided Films (the folks who brought you Starmind), and Antaeus's A2 group. But to answer your question, yes. I will be in a new project from 8 Sided eventually. :)

  3. Very good. I hope you have a main role in the new Starmind project - would like to see more of your work.

  4. Ha, its your blog so you can promote what you wish. You are a busy lady! How do we see these performances? Any tapes?

  5. Congrats on being involved with this - and at some point we need to hang out and catch up!
